Generation 1 - Part 2: Atta Uggo (cont.)
So this era is one I added and is not from the original history challenge. Also I used a mod so that I could over extend my family. I had almost 13 sims in the household when I played this era. It was fun.
In this era, Rocknar, Atta and Takka with help from the ladies have built a village. Instead of caves, they live in small huts. They still cook primarily on a fire pit. I call this the Bronze Age or the Tribal Era, mostly because the group is no longer nomadic and now can use simple tools.
So Rocknar being the patriarch of the family naturally became the tribe elder. He does weekly speeches for the village and they listen like good villagers.
Everyone respects Rocknar's authority.
He's also cooled down on his woman chasing ways to lead his community. Plus he has frequent back pain and it's just not worth it now a days.
The community pretty much thrives.
Anouk has grown into a beautiful young lady. She spends a lot of time with Ntombi (when Ntombi isn't with Taka) and is a good mentor to brother Chido.
There are a few new people in the tribe that I want to introduce you to! First are these three guys who one day arrived in the village from a far off land. Their names are Kuruk and Ngozi and Kuruk's son Kota. Kuruk and Ngozi say they are twins and wear strange clothing on their legs. Ngzoi is insane but Kuruk looks after him.
Kota is a smart and capable young man. He's around the same age as Anouk who pretty much falls in love with him immediately.
So if you want to know the truth. Long before deciding to make a blog, Ngzoi was a crazy man that was locked in my legacy family's basement. (That's why he and his brother wear jeans.)You see, my legacy sim was a mad scientist and was performing experiments on him (Kind of like Nervous Subject in the sims 2) One day Ngzoi was cloned making Kuruk, who was not insane and actually pretty intelligent and charming. Kuruk fell in love with the mad scientists wife, who became pregnant and had a secret kid, Kota. Fearing for her son's life she gave Kota to Kuruk, helped them escape with Ngozi and sent them back in time through the family's time machine (and by time machine I mean I saved and uploaded them) where they were actually pretty happy and did really well.
Ngozi was insane and childish, so he often played with Chido and was treated as one of the kids. (For Kuruk he was like a second son) Sometimes Ngozi would sneak off and cause trouble for the older men and women, but Kuruk always apologized.
Ngozi was a little older than Kuruk, what with Kuruk being a clone. And died earlier than his family, but will always be remembered. (RIP)
Another person I have to introduce you to is little Nahla.
(She's angry because Ngozi pissed her off...)
So lets take a step back. Remember how Rocknar and Atta's wife Mataoka had that little affair behind Atta's back? Well...
(What are you guys doing????)
Turns out Atta wasn't over it, and with Rocknar tending to his leadership duties, Atta started hanging around with the lonely Agna and when she started making advances... he didn't exactly ...uh... shy away if you know what i'm saying.
...and so not long after Nahla was born~!
Not that Rocknar didn't of course get wind of the whole thing.
(C'mon dad... sit with me and we can talk about it!)
It just didn't matter because Rocknar died shortly after...
So after Rocknar's death, the family held a large funeral in his honor. Sadly, without the patriarch to hold the family together it was only a matter of time before things would change yet again.
RIP Rocknar Uggo
Yes!!! I love this!